Receive care in 24 hours

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Emergency home care

Receive expert support within as
little as 24 hours

Our emergency home care gives you essential support at the times you need it most.

Circumstances can suddenly change, meaning that you need home care at the drop of a hat. We have over 150 branches across England and Wales, so if you need emergency care it’s likely that one of our trusted carers can help.

Call us if you need home care in a hurry. We can arrange for care from a private carer to start in as little as 24 hours of you getting in touch. In a crisis we can often turn this around even quicker.

Call us to find out more about emergency care

Emergency care that truly makes a difference

Since 1989, we’ve been providing emergency care to people in desperate need of support.

At Helping Hands, we’ve helped tens of thousands of people at home in their hour of need. From the moment we take your call, we’ll always endeavour to have one of our carers with you in your home to support you within 24 hours so that you’re never alone.

Urgent support in your home

We aim to provide you with emergency care within 24 hours of your initial call. This is subject to carer availability and the complexity of your needs.

Fully trained carers

It’s our promise that you’ll only ever get support from our fully-trained carers. No agency staff, no untrained care staff, and no compromises.

High quality care

Emergency care doesn’t have to mean a lower standard of support. We’ll make sure you receive the comprehensive, person-centred care you need.

Supporting our customers every step of the way

We caught up with one of our customers, Brian, to find out how the visiting care he receives from his local Helping Hands care team is enabling him and his wife, Pearl, to continue living independently, confidently and securely in their own home.

Who is emergency care for?

Emergency care is for anyone in need of additional support at short notice.

Sometimes events can happen so fast that families are left wondering how they will cope. Whether there’s been an accident, a sudden illness or you’ve been let down by your current carer, we’re here to help at the last minute – even if you have complex needs.

Whatever your support needs, most of our branches can provide emergency care to you in your home within 24 hours of your initial phone call. Below are some of the instances in which we often find our customers requesting emergency care at home.

After an accident

If you have an accident and can’t manage from day to day, a carer can help out until you’re back on your feet

Carer cover

If your normal carer needs a break or lets you down, emergency care can make sure your support continues

Sudden illness

An unexpected diagnosis or a virus can leave you tired and unable to undertake your normal chores

Discharged from hospital

You may require emergency care if you’ve just left hospital and need to recover and rehabilitate

Call us to find out more about emergency care

How can our emergency carers help?

Holistic, person-centred care that is fully tailored around your own needs.

We’ve got over 30 years’ experience in providing compassionate, transformative care to people in the familiar surroundings of their own homes.

Our emergency carers enable our customers to be dignified, comfortable and independent through a range of practical, physical and emotional support services.

Respite care at home

If you’re caring for a loved one but unexpectedly find yourself unable to fulfil your carer responsibilities, we can step in at short notice and ensure they aren’t left isolated or unsupported. Your local care manager will make sure they understand every aspect of your loved one’s care requirements so that the transition is smooth and seamless.

Coming out of hospital

When a loved one near the end of life is due to be discharged from hospital, you may think the only option for them is to move to a nursing home. However, with support from a live-in carer, they can return to the familiar surroundings of the home that they love, where their carer can help them spend their final weeks in relative comfort, dignity and peace.

Care if your needs change

If you’re living with a complex condition, it’s only natural that your care needs will develop. When that time comes, live-in care may be the natural next step. Perhaps you’re currently receiving support on a part-time basis, or are being looked after by a loved one. 24-hour help from a live-in carer allows you to manage your symptoms and maintain your lifestyle.

Urgent rehabilitation

Live-in care is an ideal option for anyone seeking support during a period of rehabilitation, as it provides you with round-the-clock assistance from someone who can aid your recovery. Our live-in carers can help with medication, light medical relief, physiotherapy exercises, continence, stomas and catheter care, mobility support, and so much more.