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Nursing care

What is nursing care?

A nurse-supported clinical home care service supports individuals with complex care needs.

Helping Hands offers a fully managed nurse-supported clinical care service, enabling individuals with more complex healthcare conditions to live independently at home.

Working with 60 clinical commissioning groups across the UK, as well as a network of case managers and solicitors, we offer responsive, flexible solutions that deliver maximum choice and independence.

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What is covered in our nursing care?

Our nurses provide expert care for people in the comfortable surroundings of their home.

With extensive clinical experience from within the NHS, our clinical team of nurses manage home care packages supporting a wide range of clinical conditions. They provide full face-to-face assessments, handpick expertly trained carers and personal assistants, and ensure continuity and co-ordination of care through effective carer and customer partnerships.

Nursing care can support you with:

Ventilated care

We offer ventilated care such as nursing-led NIPPY, BIPAP, CPAP ventilation and suctioning help

Continence care

Continence care includes supporting you at home with catheter, bowel and stoma care

PEG feeding

We can support you with the management of food and fluid intake through daily PEG tube feeding

Nephrostomy care

Your carer can help you maintain a good quality of life by assisting you with your nephrostomy

Stoma Care

Assistance to manage and maintain your colostomy, urostomy, or ileostomy.

Parkinson’s treatment

Whatever stage of your condition you’re at, we can provide dedicated, personalised support for Parkinson’s

Nursing care FAQs

Nursing care is a package of care from a highly trained team, overseen by a clinical team of nurses to administer professional treatment for more complex conditions.

Residential care involves moving out of your home and environment to live in 24-hour supervised accommodation. Nursing care administers the same level of care for clinical conditions in the comfort of your own home.

A nursing care plan helps to identify the unique role that clinical nurses have in caring for the overall health and well-being of the care recipient. This will be tailored and unique to each of our customers.

Our team of carers can also assess whether any additional mobility aids or adaptations are needed for your home and help you through this process.

At Helping Hands, we believe that your own home is always the best place to receive the support you need, because it’s where you’re at your most comfortable and relaxed and it allows you to have more control over your care plan.

You can arrange nursing care today by calling our friendly customer support team. They’re available seven days a week, and will always be happy to assist with any queries you might have.

We tailor our nursing care packages to each individual customer and their specific needs, so your support will look however you want it to – with some expert guidance from our nursing specialists, of course.