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Spring Into well-being: How to feel your best this season

As we wave goodbye to the cold, dark days of winter, we look forward to the warmer, lighter months of Spring. This can help both physically and mentally, as our muscles and joints respond to the drier days, and our emotions lift as we put the clocks forward. Knowing that we have the best weather ahead of us for a few precious months can help alleviate the sadness and isolation that many people feel over winter, as well as the reassurance that fuel bills should be lower, at least for a while. The following tips can help you to make the most of Spring.

Seasonal self-care tips: Nutrition, light exercise & fresh air

Seasonal eating

Eating seasonally and locally can make such a difference to the food we consume. Only eating foods that are in harvest at that time of year means that the produce naturally tastes better as it has been allowed to fully develop, bringing out the flavours. Spring vegetables include spinach, radishes, watercress, asparagus and purple-sprouting broccoli, and by eating locally your food won’t use air miles and increase its carbon footprint to reach you.

Look after your gut

The ravages of winter infections may mean the friendly bacteria in your gut need replenishing. Probiotics can help add those bacteria back into your body, such as lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, but you should always check with your healthcare provider before you add any supplement to your diet. Non-digestible ‘prebiotic’ foods also help these bacteria to thrive, such as onions, leeks, garlic, bananas, honey, oats and lentils.

Fitness focus

One of the best things about spring’s arrival is being able to go outside more. Even if you can’t do high-intensity exercise, just walking in the sun will help. The key to becoming more active is to do it slowly and gently and to check with your GP before you undertake a new routine. Walking with loved ones or carers makes it a social activity, too, which is great for your mental and physical well-being.

Simple ways to refresh your routine for a happy spring

Clear the clutter

Setting goals is one of the best ways to plan what you want to achieve in a given time. Spring is the perfect time to have both a physical and mental ‘clear-out’, moving clutter, resolving worries and shifting the winter bulk. Asking others to help you put together an action plan to achieve your goals is a great idea, as more hands make light work! Checking magazines for ideas and keeping inspiring articles can aid motivation too.

Hay fever helpers

Despite all the positives of impending Spring, allergies and the risk of bug bites are less welcome. Antihistamines can help people struggling with hay fever, but speak to your pharmacist before you take them. Some foods can also naturally block histamine, such as those rich in flavonoids, including vitamin C, beta-carotene and quercetin. These foods include onions, blueberries and garlic, as well as eating local honey regularly.

Look after your mind

There are many ways to try and clear the mind of mental clutter, but one of the most effective can be to write your cluttered thoughts down and then literally flush them away! Some people also like to write things down and then rip up or burn the paper as a way of discarding unhelpful thoughts. Journalling or keeping a diary may also be beneficial as writing down your thoughts, intentions and musings can help them transfer out of your mind onto paper.

The impact of longer daylight hours on mood & energy

Get ready for shorter nights

As the days get longer and the nights lighter, sleep patterns can be disrupted. The body’s circadian rhythms respond to sunlight as a time to be awake, so for a few days before the clocks change, it may be worth bringing forward your bedtime. Avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bed will also aid sleep, as caffeine is a stimulant, and alcohol is a diuretic which may cause you to get up in the night to urinate more often than usual.

Boosting vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital in boosting our immunity and maintaining healthy bones. We get vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, so it can be hard to get enough in winter. Boosting our vitamin D levels is essential as we get into Spring and it can be hard to get enough just through our diet. Supplements may be a useful way to get additional vitamin D, but talking to a pharmacist, GP or other healthcare professionals first is a good idea.

Sun-savvy skin

While getting enough vitamin D is really important, exposing ourselves to too much sun can be dangerous. Wearing sunscreen shouldn’t just be saved for summer either; the brighter days of Spring can also be a good time to slap some on. Protecting skin is crucial to reducing the risk of skin cancer, and choosing a high SPF level of 30 or more that covers both UVA and UVB protection is key. Reapplying regularly and always after swimming is important too.